
Mind of a Snail teaches a variety of workshops to groups of all ages and abilities. They customize workshops to fit the needs of the group.

Check the Upcoming Events page to see if there’s a workshop happening in your area.

Contact Mind of a Snail to request something specific.

Workshop content can include the basics of shadow puppetry using the overhead projector, silhouettes, other light sources, and a variety of storytelling techniques for devising and crafting shows.

Workshops can be in person and/or online.

Click here to see photos from an Intro to Shadow Theatre workshop for ADULTS at Mobil Arts Collective.

Click here too see photos from a two week residency/collaboration with JUNIOR HIGH students from Longdu in Kaoshiung, Taiwan where Mind of a Snail helped guide students to devise their own original shows.

Click here to see a blog from a workshop series with ELEMENTARY STUDENTS in several schools on the Gulf Islands.

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